Onboarding & Compliance Training

A big smile, a handshake, and a "welcome". That's what you're probably used to give a new employee. Good onboarding benefits you as a company and the new employee as well. However, onboarding is so much more.

A proper introduction to the work tasks is an important part of the onboarding. In that way, the new employee will quickly feel safe to test his or her skills in practice.  This, however, will not be the focus for this blogpost, but rather what's in the background of the daily tasks - such as the specific set of rules the company follows. In another word: Compliance.

Want to know more? Learn everything you need to know about onboarding.

Compliance in the Onboarding


In most companies, there are both written and unwritten rules that have to be followed.  The unwritten rules could be e.g. a special dress code in meetings with customers or just in the day-to-day work at the office. And that is of course only if it is not already written in the employee handbook. Another unwritten rule could be what is expected when you communicate internally as well as externally, or how the company's meeting culture is.

The written rules, on the contrary, could be a specific legislation that the new employee has to follow in his or her new position. Is the new employee going to e.g. handle personal data? Then it is a good idea to train him or her in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), so it relates to the new employee's workday.


Integrating Compliance into Onboarding

When it comes to weaving compliance training into your onboarding experience, the options are both exciting and effective. Kick things off with a dynamic presentation for your new team member, showcasing the essential do's and don'ts. Ensure this is mapped into their schedule for those initial days at the workplace.

Or, take a leap into the digital realm by offering compliance training as an engaging learning module within your Learning Management System (LMS).  Create custom quizzes, or enlist learning specialists to create interactive modules using gamification, or take the mid-way converting your old content into engaging learning

This approach not only makes compliance training more enjoyable but also ensures that your new hire retains the vital information they need to thrive. AND, another plus is that using a learning platform or LMS, you will be able to automate the training.

Knowbot Mock-up

If you already using our platform, you can make it easier for your employees by uploading your employee handbook. That way it becomes searchable and our little Know Bot, can provide instant answers to your new hires if they are in doubt.

As compliance training needs to occur yearly or perhaps even more often, this will be really convenient. Plus, if you have a platform with good analytics, you will be able to follow up and create reports easily, showing who has completed the training. 

A digital platform like, Learningbank, will make it super smooth integrating compliance training in your onboarding. Here, you can build an onboarding learning journey and include the compliance or IT-security training as part of it. Build it, automate it, and make sure all new hires get assigned to the onboarding where you have included the first compliance training they receive as they join your company!