The role of AI in production training

Do you keep hearing how AI can be used to optimize production employee training? But you are still unsure about what it means? Well, then this article is for you.

The introduction of AI-powered technologies has transformed the landscape of production training, offering exciting opportunities to enhance learning outcomes. Maybe this all feels a bit too far away from your reality right now?

Let's see how it is used and can be used to optimize employee training in the production industry.👷🤖🎓


The Evolution of Production Learning

Production Training in the 2020’s

Production training often relies heavily on manual processes, classroom sessions, and on-the-job training. While these methods provide many essential training fragments, they often lack interactivity and personalized experiences.

Mixing on-site training, with digital training can optimize the learning process as well as learning new product skills or getting new hires up & running quicker.

Listen to Lindab and how they work with digital employee training.

AI Technologies Moving In Enhancing Production Learning

With the emergence of AI, production learning has taken a giant leap forward. AI-powered technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) applications have revolutionized the way employees learn and practice production tasks.

These immersive experiences enable workers to simulate real-life scenarios in a safe and controlled environment, giving very close to hands-on learning with fewer risks and sometimes even without the need for the actual equipment.

Think of it like a virtual reality playground for production workers. They get to practice handling real-life scenarios without the risk of damaging equipment or injuring themselves. It's like hands-on learning, but without the hands-on part.

AI-Powered Technologies for Production Learning

AI is like a secret agent, working behind the scenes in more areas than you might think. But when it comes to production training, the combination of AI with other technologies can take things to the next level.

Check out some of the cool AI-powered tools we've rounded up below.👇

  • Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) & Mixed Reality (MR) Applications

VR, AR & MR technologies have emerged as powerful tools for production training. VR lets your employees immerse themselves in a completely virtual environment that simulates actual production settings, allowing them to practice tasks, identify potential risks, and improve their decision-making abilities.

Both AR and MR overlay digital information onto the real world with spatial sound. Sound a bit confusing? Let us illustrate with some examples.

When you put on the AR or MR headset you see the environment you are in, for example, your production site. But it is possible to play out scenarios in that environment by adding digital elements, may that be a fire that suddenly burst out in one of the production areas, a colleague who got injured and falls to the floor, or perhaps a new machine that you can learn to navigate even before it has arrived physically to your location.

This allows your manufacturing and production employees to practice and learn to handle stressful situations and emergencies that are usually both costly and hard to simulate. 

Additionally,  the trainer can view it all in real-time on a screen of choice from wherever they need to be. And of course, they can also give instructions as the scenario plays out. MR can also provide live on-the-job support from a distance.

  • Machine Learning Algorithms for Personalized Learning

Machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze data from your employees' training performance, identify patterns, and generate personalized learning paths.

This can help you ensure that each employee receives targeted content and exercises tailored to their specific needs, optimizing learning outcomes and reducing training time.

  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Real-time Feedback and Guidance

Intelligent tutoring systems utilize AI algorithms to provide real-time feedback and guidance during training sessions. With the help of AI, it delivers human-like lessons in a computer-based learning environment, minimizing the need for a human teacher. 

These systems can assess your worker's performance, identify areas of improvement, and offer suggestions or step-by-step instructions. It has the potential to provide personalized and interactive training experiences specifically designed for production and manufacturing tasks and skills.

The interactive nature of intelligent tutoring systems fosters a dynamic learning experience that accelerates skill development.

Incorporating AI in Production Training Programs

The integration of AI in production training brings numerous benefits.

Firstly, AI enables personalized learning experiences by leveraging machine learning algorithms that adapt to individual learners' needs, strengths, and weaknesses. This tailored approach maximizes engagement and knowledge retention.

Secondly, intelligent tutoring systems offer real-time feedback and guidance, allowing trainees to receive immediate support and refine their skills effectively. 

AI-in-production training

Digital Learning Platforms in Production Training

Advantages of Using Digital Learning Platforms

There are many digital tools to help you with your employee training and make it easier for everyone to access course materials. Digital learning platforms, or Learning Management Systems, for example,  will help you make your production training more accessible to your workers.

Many of them already have integrated various AI-powered technologies. Learning platforms offer a range of benefits, including accessibility, scalability, and flexibility.

The modern top online learning platforms allow your workers to access learning materials in a mobile app, anytime, anywhere. Giving them unlimited access to learning at their own pace through online educational & individual courses.

Analyzing & Creating Training for Your Workers

Additionally, a digital learning platform enables the collection and analysis of training data, providing valuable insights to optimize future learning experiences. Really good for those of you who are in charge of managing or creating the learning & training for your company and employees.

Oh and if you are creating the learning content for your production workers yourself, then AI in the platform can also assist you on that. See how much time Rebecca from IIH Nordic saved on her content creation process⏱️

Customization and Adaptability 

Digital learning platforms or (LMS's) allow for customization and adaptability, tailoring content to suit different roles, skill levels, and learning styles.

They allow you to mix different types of learning having both face-to-face training, and digital training such as video-based courses, interactive modules, quizzes, and simulations that align with their specific production tasks, fostering practical knowledge and skill acquisition.

Future Trends: AI and Production Learning

The future of production learning holds exciting possibilities fueled by AI. Continuous learning and upskilling through AI will become increasingly prevalent, enabling employees to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry. 

Integration of AI in performance evaluation and feedback will facilitate more accurate and data-driven assessments, leading to even better targeted training interventions.

Predictive analytics will help you optimize production training programs by identifying areas of improvement and predicting future skill requirements. In other words, there is a lot to look forward to!

Summing up…

The integration of AI-powered technologies in production training programs has revolutionized the learning experience, enhancing employee performance and efficiency. And there's still a lot more to come!

From virtual reality simulations to personalized machine learning algorithms and intelligent tutoring systems, AI offers a range of tools to create engaging, immersive, and adaptive training environments.

As we look to the future, embracing AI in production learning will unlock new opportunities for continuous improvement, ensuring that employees are equipped with the skills needed to thrive in the dynamic world of production.

So, let's embrace the powers of AI, and propel your production training programs to new heights!